Monday, April 14, 2003

Monday Blues

As you are undoubtably aware, today is Monday. I, however, am announcing a campaign to change the name of this day of days to "Donotbothercomingtoworkbecauseyouknowshitisgoingtogetfuckedupday." I think it has a chance of catching on. In honor of this first Donotbothercomingtoworkbecauseyouknowshitisgoingtogetfuckedupday, I think I will spend my time cleaning up the area around the fan that I found caked in excrement when I got here this morning, and not bother to post.

Amuse yourselves with this shit:

Thanks to Matthew Baldwin from defective yeti for pointing out this site.

Also, one of my good friends just started a blog. I haven't checked it out yet, so visit at your own risk, but I'm sure it won't leave any lasting scars.

Gentlemen, start your drooling!

And for those of you who have not drooled enough.

Finally, if you actually have enough free time to look through all of my links, then you deserve this!

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